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Periods 4,5

Students are asked to complete two skills on over the break. They are in the 6th grade section, under 6th grade, in the Adding and Subtracting Fractions section. Students need to complete J.6 and J.7 to at least the 80% range. It would be preferable if students can do both skills to 100% mastery, so if you have not worked at least 40 minutes on a section, keep going until you reach either 40 good minutes of focus, or 100% mastery.

There may be some problems with like denominators that don't require scrap paper work. Most problems will probably need to be figured on paper, so do the work neatly and bring in the scrap paper for me to see.

Any student who does not have access to IXL was able to take a worksheet to do instead. A picture of the worksheet is on this post in case it was forgotten.

Thanks and have a GREAT Thanksgiving :)

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